We are pleased to announce the new version 8.14, a major upgrade that includes the new tools and improvements for RiverFlow2D, OilFlow2D and HydroBID Flood models.


New capabilities for all modules

• Support for QGIS v3.28.5 Firenze Long Term Release (LTR): This new version supports the QGIS v3.28.5, which includes new features and performance improvements.

• Multiple Scenario Management. This new tool simplifies and optimizes managing multiple scenarios. Now you will be able to add new scenarios, and modify or delete existing ones without the complications of manually copying projects, etc. In this way, you can have all of your scenarios organized in separate directories that can coexist without interfering with one another.

• New BCs: (Beta) upstream modelled reservoir (inlet BC) and downstream modelled reservoir (outlet BC.

• Numerous optimization and GPU speedup improvements. We have continued to optimize the GPU model achieving performances never though possible before.

Basic Hydrodynamics Model

• Improvement to the Piping and erosive dam breach features (CPU and GPU). Allows simulating dam breaches, including the evolution of the breach considering, prescribed breach, piping, and overtopping erosion.

Mud, Debris Flow, and Tailings Module (MT)

• Bed sediment class fraction evolution. Now, when you consider multiple sediment fractions to the bed, the model will keep track of the evolution of each class as the flow interacts with the bottom material.

Improved hydraulic components: Weirs, Dam breach, Internal Rating Tables, and Sources.

• New basal resistance formula for frictional shear-thinning and shear-thickening materials (Herschel-Bulkley).

• Settling velocity factor specific for each sediment class.

• New table-specified mode for concentration-depending viscosity and yield stress in MT and MT-GPU modules.

• Improved piping and erosive dam breach features (CPU and GPU). Allows simulating dam breaches, including the evolution of the breach considering, prescribed breach, piping, and overtopping erosion for hyperconcentrated flows.

 • Median diameter in the bed layer reported in cell_mt files.

• New tutorial for tailings dam break simulations.

Sediment Transport Module (ST)

• Bed active bed layer sediment class fraction evolution. Now, when you consider multiple sediment fractions to the bed, the model will keep track of the evolution of each class as the flow interacts with the bottom material.

• Settling velocity factor specific for each sediment class.

• Tidal inlet condition that allows imposing water elevation (tides) and suspended sediment concentrations.

• Wind shear stress component added to ST module in both CPU and GPU versions.

• Median diameter in the bed layer reported in cell_st files.

PL: Pollutant Transport Module

• Tidal inlet condition that allows imposing water elevation (tides) and pollutant concentrations.

• New tutorial for pollutant dispersion simulations.

OilFlow2D on Land Model

• Oil Pipeline Component (Beta). This new component allows calculating the outflow hydrograph originating from pipe leaks. It also allows for performing unattended simulations of hundreds of spills along a given pipeline. The new feature also automates the process of generating result maps for all of the spills.

• New access link to NOAA’s ADIOS Oil Properties Data Base.

• Weirs are now operative with the overland spills with heat transfer in CPU and GPU

OilFlow2D on Water Model

• New Oil Particle State Map. Allows mapping oil on the shore, on the bottom, and within the mesh at any time.

• Optimized particle-tracking searching algorithm allows 200X improvement in model performance.

• Output .png graphic files with particle trajectory during simulations.

• New oil volume per unit area maps and animations.

• New maximum oil volume per unit area map.

• New access link to NOAA’s ADIOS Oil Properties Data Base.

QGIS RiverFlow2D and OilFlow2D Plugins

• Weirs component: now works with 3D polylines allowing editing of both the weir polyline geometry and crest elevations.

• Breaklines used in the MeshBreakLine layer and in the Bridges, Gates, Weirs, or Dam Breach components can now join or have intersections at polyline vertices.

• Improved Flood arrival time map. Allows setting the threshold depth to consider flooding conditions.

HEEF: Hydraulic-Economic Evaluation of Flood Costs Component

• Updated Hydraulic-Economic Evaluation of Flood costs (HEEF). Allows creating damage cost maps based on polygon vulnerability functions and RiverFlow2D-OilFlow2D model results.

• Includes a default vulnerability database and database with flood damage costs for various types of structures.

• This component was developed by Hydronia with the support of the Interamerican Development Bank IADB.



1. Simplified 1D/2D.

2. Culvert inflow and outflow polygons.

3. Improvement of the Bridges component.

4. Operational rules for components.

5. SWMM Inflow rating tables and discharge formulas for surface-storm drain exchange points.

6. OilFlow2D On-Water Model: Containment Booms. Will allow entering polylines representing containment booms and considering how these devices capture oil being spilled on water.